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  • Writer's pictureTeo Hanson

Environmental Portraiture ( of myself )

Maybe not the most flattering picture of me (there's much better ones, even just in the folder for this shoot) but this very actually represents the image you'd see if you walked into my studio and called my name. The benign expression, the cluttered desk. Its all there.

It's a modest studio, really only a sectioned off part of my living room, but it gets the job done and I'd say I get a lot more enjoyment out of it than the down payment on a car that it represents. Due to the fact that I also complete most of my schoolwork on this computer, it happens to be where I spend a large part of my day. I've tried to make it a comfortable space where its easy to be creative when the mood hits me. I find that I hardly engage in creative endeavors if I don't have the absolute easiest access possible to them.

I've got a few decent midi controllers, and a couple bass guitars. My most recent addition is this beautiful sea-foam Ibanez that I picked up last year. It's my baby. I've been playing on the other guitar since sophomore year of highschool.

I recently picked up piano as well so I bought a full size digital piano with fully weighted keys. Not a boutique item by any definition of the word, but it plays pretty nicely.

The frame in the background was a gift from a girl I dated a little while ago. It says "You were right, I was wrong." One of my favorite possessions.

These guys are cute. That's about all.

Also my pc rocks.

Here is a photo with perhaps slightly more appropriate portrait lighting. Not gonna lie I do have a fill light but I was too lazy to set it up.

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